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SLC Human Rights
Aug 16, 20215 min read
Recognise and criminalise marital rape! The Trouble with Section 43 (5) of the Sexual Offences Act
By Cindy Kimere “But the husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by their mutual matrimonial...

SLC Human Rights
Sep 25, 20205 min read
The looming unwelcomed guests
With the onset of governments in different countries announcing lockdowns, curfews and regulations of when one can leave their home,...

SLC Human Rights
Jul 28, 20206 min read
Bringing a knife to a gunfight: The plight of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Irene Muhoro As children, we grew up dreaming of the lives we wanted to lead. Some people wanted to be engineers, veterinarians, firemen,...

SLC Human Rights
Jun 11, 20206 min read
The Achilles’ Heel In The Kenyan Sphere of Domestic Work; Why We Need To Ratify C189
Phoebe Mwangi The sun is shining brightly over the leafy suburbs of Kileleshwa estate in Nairobi, one Wednesday morning. For you and me,...

SLC Human Rights
Dec 14, 20184 min read
Teenage Pregnancy: Shedding Light On A National Epidemic
Stacie Manani November: the season of the year that has majority of Kenya’s teenagers burrowing deeper into piles upon piles of books as...

SLC Human Rights
Nov 28, 20183 min read
What’s Your Excuse Now? Stop Rape Culture!
Wachuka Musomba Silence and shame is often a burden carried solely by the victims of sexual offences, with the perpetrators remaining...
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